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Error Codes

The creation of an event, from a repeating event entry, can fail in different ways. Since I think that it is not a good idea to let the bot send "random" messages to the chat, the bot fails in silent and sets an error code to the repeating event entry.


You can use the command /repeating_event list to get an overview of all repeating entries that currently exist on your server.

The following error codes exist:

Error Code/TextMeaning
Error 2: No timezone setThe server has no timezone set. Use timezone set to fix it.
Error 3: Invalid channelThe bot can no longer access the channel in which the event should be created. Either because of missing permission, or because the channel was deleted. Use /permission to check the permissions of the bot in that channel.
Error 4: Invalid channelSame as Error 3: Invalid channel.
Error 5: Invalid signup templateThe configured signup template no longer exists. You have either deleted it or performed some breaking changes on it.
Error 6: Could not create event messageEvent creation failed. Most likely the bot is missing some permissions in the event channel. Verify it with the command /permission in the given channel.
Error 7: Something went wrong during date calculationSomething went wrong when the bot calculated the date for the next event creation. If that happens, it is very likely a bug. Please report it on the discord server.
Error 8: Invalid repeating event entryThe repeating event entry has some invalid config. This happens for example if your server had premium and used a custom interval. Now premium runs out and the entry gets deactivated.
Error 9: Not a valid event channelHappens if you use /channel remove to remove the event/lfg in which this repeating entry should create an event.