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Create Event from Template

Use /event_template create to create an event from an event template.

The following fields are mandatory:

  • template_id: The event template to use for the event creation
  • event_start: The date/time of the event

If you send the command with just those two parameters, an event with the settings of the template will be created.

As you can see, we now have an event with a start time of 20:00 and a description of Let's discuss xxx but we have only passed a date!

But what if you need to adjust the event just a little bit?

Modify the Event

Let's continue with guild meeting example from the "Event Template" introduction. We have an event template with the following parameters:

  • title: Guild Meeting
  • description: Let's discuss xxx
  • start_time: 20:00
  • template: 2

but our next guild meeting needs to start at 21:00. Just create the event as usual, but also add a time to the event_start to override the default value.


This time we create the event via the event create command. This is just to showcase that event_template create and event create with the event_template parameter are doing the same. Sadly (due to some Discord limitations), you need to pass a title if you are using the event create command.