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Event Templates

Event templates make it easier and faster to create events.

What Are Event Templates?

Basically they are an entry that holds all values you need for an event. Let's say you have an event like this:

  • title: Guild meeting
  • description: Let's discuss how we proceed in the next month!
  • start_time: 20:00
  • template: 2

And you have guild meetings regularly, but not like in a fixed interval (because then you could use repeating events). So instead of adding all those values over and over again, you can make an "Event Template" and then create events from that template.


There are a lot more of use cases for event templates.

For example if your guild is running an LFG channel and your guild mates are creating dungeon runs for the same ~3 dungeons over and over. You could provide them a template with the right sign up limits, dungeon name or even a banner (image) for that dungeon.

The guild mates then just need to create an event with the right date/start time. Not worrying about the sign up template, description, title, ...