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Discord Events

Raid Organizer has the ability to automatically create Discord Events (also called Scheduled Events) on event creation.

To enable automatic Discord event creation, use /toggle discord_events.


For this feature Raid Organizer requires additional permissions to work as expected.

Discord event fields

The event fields title, description, event start, event end and image (premium) will be used to create the Discord event. If you edit one of those fields later on, the corresponding Discord event fields will update automatically.


Raid Organizer mainly creates external events. Discord requires a start and an end time for such events. This means: If your event has no event end set, no Discord event will be created.

If you have voice channel creation enabled, Raid Organizer will automatically update the Discord event location to the voice channel, once it is created.


Once an event has a voice channel attached, the Discord event type switches to internal event. Discord does not require an event end for internal events. As a result, Raid Organizer will create a Discord event once the voice channel exists, if the event has a event start time set and no Discord event has been created.