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Required Bot Permissions

There are some permissions which are needed to ensure that Raid Organizer is working as expected.

Normally those permissions are granted when you invite the bot. But if you:

  • Remove permissions on invite
  • Restrict the permissions in the server settings
  • Or restrict them in a given channel

Raid Organizer might stop working.


Discord Channel permissions overwrite all other permissions. So check them out first if you have any issues!


Use the /permission command to check if the bot has all needed permissions.

Required Permissions

Here is a list which permissions are required and why.

Permissions needed for the core features

PermissionNeeded for?
View ChannelThe bot needs view the channel in which the commands are issued
Send MessagesTo send events/other messages to the channel
Embed LinksEvent messages are sent in "embeds" and those are counted as "links" by Discord
Add ReactionsTo add the sign up emojis to the event messages
Manage MessagesTo edit the event messages on sign up/off
Read Message HistoryNeeded to find and edit event messages that are not in the bots cache anymore
Mention @everyone, @here and All RolesTo ping @here in LFG-Channels and to ping roles when using the text property

Permissions needed if you enable threads (/thread enable)

PermissionNeeded for?
Create Public ThreadsTo attach a thread to an event
Send Messages in ThreadsTo add/remove users to a thread (Sadly needed because Discord enforces those "join"/"leave" messages...)
Manage ThreadsTo add/remove users to a thread

Permissions needed if you enable discord_events.


Those permissions need to be granted on a server level!

PermissionNeeded for?
Manage EventsTo create, edit and delete Discord events.

Permissions needed if you enable voice channel creation.


Those permissions need to be either granted in the channel category in which the voice channels should be created, or on a server level if you have multiple categories and you do not want to set it in every category.

PermissionNeeded for?
Manage ChannelTo create, edit and delete voice channels.